

reddit中文app在[App ] readit (reddit瀏覽器)- 看板WindowsPhone

作者[App ] readit (reddit瀏覽器)
標題cole945 (躂躂..)
時間2014-03-13 23:57:18 UTC

WPCentral 編輯推薦的最佳 Reddit 瀏覽器 (reddit 是美國的 ptt)
從今天開始到 3/20 (一週) 特價 30 台幣, 原價 60
試用版只能看單頁的文章或回覆, 不小發現特價馬上就買了!

(另一套免費的 Baconit 也不差, 但介面還是 readdit 比較好)


地區:台灣 (繁體中文)
App 名稱:Readit
系統需求: Windows Phone 8 Windows Phone 7.5
解析度:HD720P (720x1280) WVGA (480x800) WXGA (768x1280)

The future of Reddit on the Windows Phone Platform!

"Brand new to the market, this is probably the best Reddit app
we've seen for WP."
- Joel Willians, Nokia

"Readit is the most stunning Reddit client for Windows Phone, period.
Readit's design is one of the top we've seen for any Windows Phone
app, let alone one dedicated for Reddit."
- Daniel Rubino, Editor-in-Chief
Honorable Mentions:
WPCentral.com - Editor's Choice for Best Reddit Client

Welcome to Readit! A beautiful, well-crafted Reddit app for the Windows
Phone Platform. From features like live tiles, a stunning interface,
and complete markdown support, you are missing out if you aren't using
Readit for your Reddit browsing habits on Windows Phone. Readit supports
so many features, including the following:
‧ Live Tiles
‧ Lock Screen Backgrounds
‧ Lock Screen Notifications
‧ Toast Notifications
‧ Pinning Subreddits to your start screen for easy access
‧ Swipe View
‧ Complete Imgur integration with native Album browsing
‧ Gilded comments indicator
‧ Complete Reddit markdown support
‧ Very high performance
‧ Customizable Theme
‧ A stunning and beautiful interface
‧ Many more features
Grab our app, rate it and stop on by /r/ReaditForWP and give us some
feedback or post general questions. We will be happy to answer you.
Check /r/readitforwp for the most recent changelog.

◆ From:

推 zooxalju:歪果人的PTT (雖然大很多) 03/14 00:01
推 Cortana:這軟體超順暢的,比直接用IE方便 03/14 00:03
推 BirthStone:在wp裡沒有人可以得到ie完美背景執行權限~pass 03/14 00:04
推 stalinone:readit真的好用 又漂亮 baconit也是數一數二的好app 03/14 00:05
→ stalinone:只是baconit有點久沒更新了 堆一堆bug readit漂亮很多XD 03/14 00:06
推 fischcheng:好用!Reddit超蠢的... 03/14 00:58
推 wlwillwell:推薦瀏覽/gonewild(誤) 03/14 09:10


reddit中文app在Reddit - Google Play 應用程式的討論與評價

Reddit is the place where people come together to have the most authentic and interesting conversations on the internet—Where gaming communities, ...

reddit中文app在reddit註冊與使用教學(必看) : r/AsiaTripper的討論與評價

手機版可下載Reddit官方推出的APP. IOS:https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/reddit-the-official-app/id1064216828?mt=8 ... reddit官方出的app好像還不能調成全中文.


Reddit中文 版2020.38.0 软件. 一款非常优秀的论坛类应用. 上传App. 游戏类型: 通讯社交. 游戏语言: 中文. 价格: 免费. 开发商: reddit Inc.


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    Reddit is the place where people come together to have the most authentic and interesting conversations on the internet—Where gaming communities, ...

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    reddit中文 版app是一个用户可以看到更多新鲜事的社交类型的手机app,近期因为reddit最糟糕的音量控制设计大赛而让众多人知晓,这个设计比赛中的作品 ...

    reddit中文app在reddit Official App针对于Android - 从Uptodown上下载APK的討論與評價

    免费地下载reddit Official App针对于Android的APK. reddit的官方应用终于来到安卓设备了. reddit Official App是来自大型论坛reddit(最大的互联网 ... 语言, 中文.

    reddit中文app在reddit註冊與使用教學(必看) | reddit中文介面 - 旅遊日本住宿 ...的討論與評價

    reddit中文 介面,大家都在找解答。2017年3月16日— reddit官方出的app好像還不能調成全中文. level 1. Maya7247. 1 point · 3 years ago. 0.0.

    reddit中文app的PTT 評價、討論一次看
